Luca Marseglia Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Associate in Physics at Quantum Engineering Group at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.)

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Room: 26-351
Mailing address:
Quantum Engineering Group
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
32 Vassar Street
MA 02139 Cambridge

Contact: (work) (permanent)
Tel.: ++1 857-210-5116
Spoken languages:
Italian (mother tongue)
English (fluent)
Spanish (fluent)


Nano-structures coupled to Nitrogen Vacancy (NV) centres in diamond.
In my PhD research I successfully demonstrated the possibility of enhancing the coupling of NV centers in diamond to photonic crystal cavities and solid immersion lenses (SIL), fabricated in diamond by focussed ion beam (FIB) etching. I have recently described a technique for fabricating micro- and nano-structures incorporating uorescent defects in diamond with a positional accuracy in the tens of nanometers. Using confocal fluorescence microscopy and focused ion beam (FIB) etching I first located a suitable defect with respect to registration marks, previously etched on the diamond surface, and then etch a structure using these coordinates. The same technique could be also used to create different structures, coupled to optical active defects in diamond.



Journal Papers

  1. L.J.Rogers, K.D.Jahnke, T.Teraji, L.Marseglia, C.Muller, B.Naydenov, H.Schauffert, C.Kranz, J.Isoya, L.P.McGuinness, F.Jelezko
    Multiple intrinsically identical single-photon emitters in the solid state.
    Nature Communications 5,5739 (2014).

  2. J.Scheuer, X.Kong, R.S.Said, J.Chen, A.Kurz, L.Marseglia, J.Du, P.R.Hemmer, S.Montangero, T.Calarco, B.Naydenov, F.Jelezko.
    Precise ultra fast single qubit control using optimal control pulses.
    New Jornal of Physics 16, 093022 (2014).

  3. J.E. Kennard,J.P. Hadden, L.Marseglia, I.Aharonovich, S.Castelletto, B.R.Patton, A.Politi, J.C.F.Matthews, A.G.Sinclair, B.C.Gibson, S.Prawer, J.G.Rarity, J.L.O’Brien.
    On Chip Manipulation of Single Photons from a Diamond Defect.
    Physical Review Letters,111, 213603 (2013).

  4. D.Wildanger, B.R.Patton, H.Schill, L.Marseglia; J.P.Hadden, S.Knauer, A.Schönle, J.G.Rarity, J.L.O’Brien, S.W.Hell,J.M.Smith.
    Solid Immersion Facilitates Fluorescence Microscopy with Nanometer Resolution and Sub-Ångström Emitter Localization
    Advanced Materials, 22, 44 (2012).

  5. L.Marseglia, J.P.hadden, A.C.Stanley-Clarke, J.P.Harrison, B.Patton, Y.-L.D. Ho, B.Naydenov, F.Jelezko, J.Meijer, P.Dolan, J.M.Smith, J.G.Rarity, J.L.O'Brien.
    Nano-fabricated solid immersion lenses registered to single emitters in diamond
    Applied Physics Letters, 98 133107 (2011)
    selected for Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science \& Technology, 23, 14 (2011)

  6. S.Castelletto, J.P.Harrison, L.Marseglia, A.C.Stanley-Clarke, B.C.Gibson, B.Fairchild, M.P.Hiscocks, K.Genesan, S.T.Huntington, F.Ladouceur,F.Jelezko, J.Wrachtrup, A.D.Greentree, S.Prawer, J.G.Rarity.
    Diamond-based structures to collect and guide light
    New Journal of Physics, 13, pp 025020 (2011).

  7. J.P.Hadden, J.P.Harrison, A.C.Stanley-Clarke, L.Marseglia, Y.-L.D.Ho, B.R.Patton, J.L.O'Brien, J.G.Rarity.
    Strongly enhanced photon collection from diamond defect centres under micro-fabricated integrated solid immersion lenses
    Applied Physics Letters, 97 241901 (2010).

  8. A.B.Young, C.Hu, L.Marseglia, J.P.Harrison, J.L.O'Brien, J.G.Rarity.
    Cavity enhanced spin measurement of the ground state spin of an NV center in diamond
    New Journal of Physics, 11, (pp. 1-9) (2009).

  9. R.Smareglia R, P.Manzato, C.Gheller, U.Becciani, V.Manna, L.Marseglia, F.Pasian, G.Taffoni.
    Integration of Theoretical Data in the Virtual Observatory
    Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XVI vol.376 p.587

Conference and Seminar Presentations

  1. Precise micro-fabrication of structures to enhance photon collection from diamond color centers. CLEO11, Laser science to photonic applications, Baltimore - U.S.A. 1-6 May, 2011

  2. Diamond Structures coupled to N-V centre on demandECOC 2010, 36th European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Comunication Centro Conferenze Lingotto, Turin - Italy 19-23 September, 2010

  3. Diamond Structures coupled to N-V centre on demand QCMC 2010, The Tenth International Conference on Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computation University of Queensland, Brisbane - Australia 19 - 23 July 2010

  4. Photonic crystal defect cavities coupled to N-V centres in diamond Photon 10 the UK's premier conference on optic and photonics Southampton - UK 23-26 August, 2010.

  5. Photonic crystal defect cavities coupled to N-V centres in diamond ECIO 2010 15th European Conference on integrated optics - FIB for Photonics (Linked to ECIO 2010) Cambridge, UK 6-7 April, 2010

  6. Photonic crystal defect cavities coupled to N-V centres in diamond The RANK PRIZE Funds Symposium on Diamond Photonics Windermere, Cumbria UK 15 - 18 March, 2010

  7. Photonic crystal defect cavities coupled to N-V centres in diamond QUROPE Workshop Quantum/Classical Control in Quantum Information Otranto, Italy, 13 - 20 September, 2008.

  8. Photonic crystal defect cavities coupled to N-V centres in diamond QIPIRC Summer School and Workshop 2008 Sheringham, Norfolk - UK 29 June - 3 July, 2008.

  9. An Archive of cosmological simulations and the ITVO multi-level database Modelling and simulation in science - Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Data Analysis in Astronomy Erice, Italy, 15 - 22 April 2007

  10. Recognition and Normalization of Time expressions: ITC - Irst at TERN 2004. Proceedings of Time Entity Recognition and Normalization Evaluation Workshop (TERN-2004) Washington, U.S.A. 23 September, 2004

Skills and competences

Scientific Software

Development of web-services for remote information extraction from the Galileo National Telescopy astronomical database, at Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste.
Development, at Istituto di Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica of Istituto Trentino di Cultura (ITC-Irst),of the software Chronos, for textual time expressions recognition and normalization, rank as second system in Time Entity Recognition and Normalization Evaluation competition (TERN-2004)
Development of Lisp interpreter.
Development of Connect 4 game. (Software developed with search trees using MiniMax and Alpha-Beta pruning algorithms)
