Fabrication of Photonic Crystal coupled to NV center in diamond

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Luca Marseglia1.

1Centre for Quantum Photonics, H. H. Wills Physics Laboratory & Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Bristol, BS8 1UB United Kingdom

Abstract. In this work we aim to exploit one of the most studied defect color centers in diamond , the negatively charged nitrogen vacancy (NV−) color center, a three level system which emits a single photon at a wavelength of 637nm providing a possible deterministic single photon emitter very useful for quantum computing applications. Moreover the possibility of placing a NV−in a photonic crystal cavity will enhance the coupling between photons and NV−center. This could also allow us to address the ground state of the NV−center, whose spin, could be used as qubit. It is also remarkable to notice that for quantum computing purposes it is very useful to increase the light collection from the NV−centers, and in order to do that we performed a study of another structure, the solid immersion lens, which consists of an hemisphere whose center is at the position of an emitter, in this case the NV−center, increasing the collection of the light from it. In order to create these structures we used a method called focused ion beam which allowed us to etch directly into the diamond many different kinds of structures. In order to allow an interaction between these structures and the NV−centers we need to have a method to locate the NV−center precisely under the etched structures. We developed a new technique (Marseglia et al. (2011)) where we show how to mark a single NV−center and how to etch a desired structure over it on demand. This technique gave very good results allowing us to etch a solid immersion lens onto a NV previously located and characterized, increasing the light collection from the NV−of a factor of 8×.

BibTeX Record:

@article{Photonic Crystal Coupled to N-V Center in Diamond,
  title = {Fabrication of Photonic Crystal Coupled to N-V Center in Diamond},
  author = {L.Marseglia},
  journal = {Advances in Photonic Crystals},
  volume = {ISBN 978-953-51-0954-9},
  issue = {},
  pages = {},
  numpages = {},
  year = {2013},
  month = {},
  publisher = {InTech},
  doi = {10.5772/47821},
  url = {http://www.intechopen.com/books/advances-in-photonic-crystals}